Tuesday, April 25, 2017

My core beliefs as Hindu and moving toward a new norm in religious understanding

The following write up was submitted as assignment in coursera course Soul Beliefs: Causes and Consequences - Unit 2: Belief Systems”

A statement of the core belief and When and under what conditions do you think, it was formed

I considered many possible core beliefs but zeroed on this one as it will be appropriate contextually.


I was born in a Hindu Brahmin family of Vaishnava sect. Some of the important expectations are belief in god, rituals, respect for parents and teachers, being honest, respect for elders and women, honesty, modesty and vegetarian food habits. Bhakti, ie devotion to God and prayer (in the form chanting and asking for stuff, except for good marks in exams) is the way and goal. Karma and astrology were part of life, and work needed to be treated as Karma yoga or one’s duty to society and to fulfill one’s family needs. Temple visits and following of rituals and excellence in education and patriotism were a must. Involvement in sports and entertainment were encouraged more as spectator rather than participant (Except for cricket). Reading English fiction and Tamil journals were also encouraged. By the way the medium of instruction during most of schooling and college was English.

In my case mother who was spiritually inclined passed away at an early age of five and my step mother was a very orthodox religious lady, and this conflict in values used to influence me in major part of adult life. The Extended family was very important and grandparents doted on us. The Holidays were spent in an uncle or Aunt’s home at a different down in nearby towns. Holidays in far off cities were a luxury item. Sex was Taboo and boys and girls were kept separate. Parents never discussed sex with the children and youth learned of sex in pop literature and movies. Under these circumstances the schooling was completed. Interactions were mostly with other Brahman boys except a few exceptions in High school.

How it has influenced your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in the past

I do not if it was the genes or the environment but I grew to be shy type of a person. My entry into college exposed me folks from other parts of India and diverse backgrounds (different languages, attitudes and family backgrounds). Early upbringing kept me focused on studies in college (although participation in sports increased) stay out trouble like various potential addictions and habits. Although there was lot of politics among groups, I tended believe all were nice guys and got along well with most people I interacted with. My health and confidence in my abilities improved during college, where again education and getting good marks were the focus with idea of doing well and getting an excellent job. I must say due to focus on education and reasonably superior performance and clean habits we developed an air quite superiority (even though we were lacking most other skills). The downside of this attitude is not recognizing the ability in others and not being in touch with reality of many situations and perhaps lack of gratitude we owe to many folks.

Like most students from premier Institutes in India at that time, I aspired for higher education in USA as route to better prospects in life and proceeded for Master’s degree in USA. My Aunts and grand mom advised me to stay away from the three Ws (Which were Wine, Women and I forgot what the third W was; was it wealth?, I do not think so, was it White?, probably not, must have been  something to do with remaining vegetarian).

I continued do well in studies in USA (even better as choices were more and open book exams). But socially I was dumb trusting wrong folks, not being centered enough in my culture, believing that any girl that smiles at you (which is often in the USA) is in love with you, etc. But the value system developed early on ensured we hung out with similar folks and this prevented us from integrating better in the adopted environment. Anyway, I completed my studies, worked for some time, made some good friends, had some  enjoyable times and some terrible times,  returned to India due to family considerations.

How it currently influences your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors

Many of the beliefs that were taught earlier on makes more sense now. Only I wish they (parents and teachers) had done a better job of it. Somehow taught us the basics and philosophical background in a better way. I would have been much better grounded and confident as an individual that way. I believe I would have been less distracted and more productive due that action. I feel a bit let down earlier on in life this way. I am now grateful for many opportunities that are available these days via TV, Internet and course like this to really understand our religion, culture and heritage.

Finally, after you have thought about one of your core self-beliefs, consider (in writing) if it “makes sense” to keep it or if the time has come revise it or let it go.

I think core belief may be revised from I am Hindu Brahmin boy to I am a realized and well-grounded Hindu or Sathana Dahrma Practioner. I am well grounded in the Basic Tenets of this Dharma and am aware Basic differences between the other Dharmic Traditions like (Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism) and other Major Abrahamic Religions of the world (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam). I respect other religions that respect Hinduism and am willing to educate those who do not. And Unlike in the past we will stand up for the rights that have been denied to us and have been  responsible and taken/taking corrective actions where we may have erred. Time for deeper faith and understanding, being well rooted, clarity and regular practice rather than shallow beliefs and superstitions  based  on fear or greed. Om Shanthi.

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